Sunday, November 22, 2009

11.18: Face Roll'n Wednesday

I may have used 'face-roll' in other posts, but this past Wednesday was utterly and completely broken. Starting at 8pm, 10 raiders burned through ToC10, Ony10, Saph+3 (Includes, 2 attempts at Ony whelp achievement and 2 serious attempts at ToC10 hard mode) all by 10:30. After which, turning our heads to Uld10 for some more facroll'n for some guildees. Uld10 resulted in some of us getting 6+ Achievements of the best kind...(Achievements I was not trying for)

*Shopper is a priest specced as 'holy' of the dps listing above.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

11/17: Oh Dear, Hodir.

In the Halls of Winter something went 'boom'. Oh yeah. It was the full sized Titanic watcher going down! HOO-RA! Congrats to all the raiders who partook in downing this fine boss. Special thanks to Areoseos for calling out and keeping us in step with some finer and timely actions. Grats to Judeca for unleashing a truckload of dps on Hodir (rumor is it was 10k+) Apologies for the late photos, looting warnings on some of the photos. Also note since Hodir 'does not' leave a body, we stood around his freed spirit on the circular pillar.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Loot Pinatas and Face-rolls: They come in twos, (Sometimes threes)

After a week of vacation, a week of latent work piling on my desk and someone in the IC calling me 'slacker', I thought I add a Shopper ET update.

Progression fun has been going smooth and steady. Recently ET added two ToC10 groups (Wed & Sunday) to the progression rotations. Supported and run by two die-hard raiders: Judeca and Supplement - good work guys. The loot has been exploding like candy. Yes, I said candy. (I have not had pinata dreams in a while.) Our two teams are moving through ToC10 with time to spare for an Ony10 and OS10 (3 drakes up) for the mount and title. HOO-RAH! And while I have not gotten one, this means 2 shiny drakes are being handed out each week.