The Zombie in Red... Is dancing with me... (cheek to cheek)... - "Corpse" De Burgh
February heralds the celebration of the Lunar Festival and Love is in the Air WoW events. So, prepare your fireworks! Prepare your peddlefeet! Time is marching on, and you must march along, or get stomped on, lol.
In progession news, we are making progress in SSC and TK. We downed Lurker for the first time Wednesday (Hydross on farm status), and we are planning on kicking someone's Astromancer in TK on Sunday (loot reaver also on farm status). (KZ, GL on farm status. 3/4 bosses in ZA. ML on hold for now). And we continue to make progress on the PVP fronts by hosting multiple PVP farm teams multiple times during the week. Huzzah for purplies!
In other news, congratulations Warriorphil, Pramlock and Etselec on advancing your applications! Good luck in the application process!
For those history buffs... the WoW Lunar festival tends to coincide with the Chinese New Year. We are currently in the year of the pig, and we will be progessing into the year of the rat. Also, the Love is in the Air festival coincides with the U.S. Valentine's Day holiday.